Continuous - Quality - Control - Communication - Management

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Atom Ultima priced and charged?

Atom Ultima is priced per Administration log in. The system is designed to be managed using a single Administrator portal for SMEs, through to multiple departmental log ins for larger or multisite organizations. Mobile app user accounts are included in the Administration price and numbers of app interfaces are limited only by the Administrator’s ability to manage accounts. The system is charged monthly, with 14 day payment terms.

How long is a contract term?

The initial contract is for 12 months, renewed annually, but with a three month cancellation period thereafter.

What is the level of support given throughout the contract?

Support in system management is given throughout the contract. Initial support in assisting with system upload is included in the first year's contract. The system has Help Screens and inbuilt succession management training for Administrators.

Can changes to functionality be requested?

If you believe that the system would be improved with extra or changed functionality, we are open to suggestions. We aim to work with you to ensure that Atom Ultima works for your business, not the other way around.

Who owns the system?

Atom Ultima (the system/platform) is wholly owned by Edatachase Ltd. The system is subject to all laws relating to patents, copyright, database right, trade secrets, trade names, trade marks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights or licences in respect of Atom and/or any associated Software. When you have agreed to license Atom Ultima, you may not offer for sale, sell or otherwise licence Atom or enable another similar business to use Atom (as an system with Administrative capability separate from The User) without the express written agreement of Edatachase.

Who owns the created content?

All content created by the licensee or third party within licensed Atom Ultima system is owned by the licensee. Edatachase Ltd. accepts no liability or responsibility for content created in–system or any content uploaded by a licensee or any third party.

Who owns the data held in the system?

Data uploaded into Atom Ultima from the licensee's mobile app users or Administrators is owned by the data creator or by the system owner (if there is an agreement in place to use any personal data). Edatachase Ltd. does not own or have any rights over data uploaded into any Atom Ultima system not controlled by Edatachase Ltd.

At the end of the contract, can data be exported?

If a contract is terminated, all content will be downloaded in CSV format and transferred to the licensee.

Is Atom Ultima GDPR compliant?

Atom Ultima is developed to be GDPR compliant. The Licensee is responsible for all loss or damage arising from the unauthorised access or use of the Licensee's own networks and systems unless arising from negligent or malicious act or omission or from breach of contract by Edatachase. The Licensee is responsible for developing and implementing a GDPR policy to prevent such unauthorised access or use of its own networks and systems, or unauthorised sharing of personal data.

What level is security in the system?

Atom Ultima is built to ISO 27001 standards and the platform is hosted on servers compliant with (and certificated to) ISO 27001. All Administration accounts and mobile app accounts are fully encrypted. The Licensee is responsible for all loss or damage arising from the unauthorised access or use of the Licensee’s own networks and systems unless arising from negligent or malicious act or omission or from breach of contract by Edatachase. The Licensee is responsible for developing and implementing a security policy to prevent such unauthorised access or use of its own networks and systems. The Platform is subject to regular PEN tests by both GooglePlay and the Apple Store.

Can other systems be API–ed to and from Atom Ultima?

APIs to and from other systems is possible, provided that the other systems are open to API data sharing.

Is Atom Ultima an AI system?

Atom Ultima is a data gathering, sharing and management system. It includes in-system AI capabilities – report building; monitoring and alerting; reactive planning – within the secure bounds of the platform. In the current sense that the term AI is being used, Atom Ultima is not AI. The system will not scrape the internet or create content in–system automatically. Incorporating any bot with scraping capabilities (content creators) into Atom Ultima would immediately compromise the security of system data and render security measures and GDPR protections void.

How secure is the mobile app?

The mobile app is encrypted with username and password access, with no option to ‘remember’ the password. Each app is tested by its app store (Google Play and the Apple Store). The app is updated regularly, in line with Atom Ultima changes and the operating systems of Apple and Android. Provided that the app is downloaded from the stores, all updates will be applied automatically in–device.

What are the data limitations on Atom Ultima?

Atom Ultima is not charged on a data-usage tariff. Data limits are set by the Administrator's ability to manage data. Data is archived at agreed intervals. On leaving the employ or management of the licensee, a user account will be terminated with agreed data (accident and incident reports; training records; other) to be archived for 6 years before deletion.

What are the limits on app user numbers?

At present, there are no limits on app user numbers. Management of app users is the responsibility of the licensee.

Does Atom Ultima use cookies?

Atom Ultima uses only necessary cookies and does not gather or share any data with third parties, unless expressly authorized/requested by the licensee.


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